
We cover lifestyle, beauty, fashion and travel, providing inspiration and tips on how to live a sustainable plastic free life without feeling overwhelmed or out of options.


Here we also keep track of the best sustainable plastic-free products that exist out there and where you can get them! Ultimately our goal is to make it easier for you to find plastic-free alternatives that suit your taste and lifestyle.

Thank you, dear reader, for your interest in sustainability and in our work.

Rewind is an european digital media and lifestyle brand for conscious men and women seeking to live a sustainable and intentional life.

Who we are

Hello there! This is us 🙂 

Noemi, italo-belgian girl, and Lancelot from Belgium.

We have professional backgrounds respectively in architecture and IT engineering.

We also are two avid travellers and we have had the chance to wander around for a while now and have been to a few places in the world. We love citytrips as much as adventure walks in nature and we have grown to fall in love with our planet over the past few years. 

We have always been conscious about living sustainably. But our recent year of travel has taught us that this planet is our original and only home and we owe it to ourselves to protect it. 

Why we do

As we have been discovering some wonderful corners of our planet we also got to see these places change because of climate change and be disfigured by trash and litter. It was not until we were in Phuket, Thailand, that we grasped just how much trash us humans were leaving around.

Depending on the rip and the currents of the ocean, some days the beach would be covered with plastic trash. Swimming in the sea you wouldn’t know if you were looking at a jellyfish or a plastic bag! That was the time we realized that our planet was literally left to waste. 

Of course the local community did its best to clean up and the following day the beach would be all clean and beautiful again. But where would the plastic go once it was collected? Wouldn’t it come back again?

 That’s when the question popped out.

 What if we were able to eliminate the root of the problem? 

What if we had a second chance?


What we do

Plastic pollution is due to the fact that only very few kind of plastics are completely recyclable. The rest of it is not recyclable and it is never compostable which means it will only break down into smaller and smaller pieces over thousands of years. 

 So we started to think. What do we need to change about the way we live? We basically have to stop buying plastic, to make sure that no plastic goes in landfills or in the oceans. If we learn to live without plastic again we could ultimately stop its production. 

Now where to go from here? It is easy to get lost and discouraged when you want to live a plastic-free life and all you are being advertised and sold is either wrapped in plastic or made of plastic.

It is easy to say that we care, it is harder to live like we care.

This is what we felt too so we started to do some research, find options and keep track of products that could be viable alternatives and we created Rewind to share it. Hopefully this will make it easier for whoever wishes to start a plastic-free journey in his life. 

Rewind is for us a way to go back in time and live like if we had a second chance. 

What would we do differently? We would go back and take notes from our grandparents and great-grandparents. They knew how life without plastic was and surely something must be learned from their experience. And of course it is also important to take advantage of the new technologies that allow us to create materials made out of plant fibers like plant-based plastic and bamboo textiles. 


All this to say, there is a way out! We just have to take action, seize our second (and last) chance to make it right by our planet and its living creatures.